RVAPT - 6 - Post Exploitation

Note - Where's RVAPT 2~5 ?! The RVAPT blog series were suppose to be updated over the spring break (3/9~3/16). However, due to the corona virus outbreak, my entire schedule and to-do lists have gone through rapid changes.  RVAPT education schedule itself became a bit…

RVAPT - 1 - Pre Engagement

Slides Link [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZWNDUOpiEnIWY0wR0aVgHZC9P-ETzcgG6smpk6BB0-I/edit?usp=sharing] Background In week 1 of RVAPT, the group have went over the Pre-Engagement phase of the penetration testing. There was a clear reason why RVAPT started off with non-technical, a bit "boring" side of Offensive Security.…

RVAPT 0 - Introduction

Slides RVAPT 0 - Introduction Slides [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1b63v4YIhffbv0MsJLpolMJb5ZghhJ9wOECgmg1NCnxs] Demo N/A - For introduction week, there was no demo The Background In my school, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Computing Security (CSEC) is one of a big computing major. One aspect that I absolutely love…

[Kor] CPTC 대회 소개와 리뷰

2019 International CPTC 2위를 수상한 우리팀2019년 11월 24일, 내가 속해있는 RIT 대학교 팀이 국제 CPTC (Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition) 대회에서 60개팀 중 2등을 수상했다. CPTC 자체가 상당히 특이한 대회고, 내가 개인적으로 재미있게 준비하고 참가한 대회라서 이렇게 블로그 글을 남겨본다. CPTC가 어떤 형태의 대회인지, 어떻게 우리팀이 대회를 준비했고, 어떤 문제점들을 마주치고…

OSCP Review as a Normal Student

< Note: This post was written in August 2019, and has been ported to this new blog of mine > I became an OSCP on 07/28/2019!  During my preparation, I've read through multiple OSCP Reviews, only to find most of them were written by: experienced sys…